KashPlan - Coming soon in 2025

Do you want to be able to manage your budget without incurring monthly fees? Would you like to be able to forecast your finances out into the future? Would you like to track your personal wealth? Would you like to be able to plan for a big expenditure, such as buying a home, or a wedding?

And would you like to do this in private, without having to expose your financial data out into a third party website or the cloud?

If the answers to these questions are “Yes”, then KashPlan might be the software that you’re waiting for.

For a start, it runs locally on your computer, and all of your data is stored in an encrypted database. That’s as private as it gets.

Then, bucking the trend for subscription-based software, you’ll just pay a low, one-off fee. 

This is all driven by our philosophy. Budgeting and financial planning should be affordable and simple, so by removing any dependencies on cloud-based servers and subscriptions to online bank connection services, we can keep costs down and build some old-fashioned, secure and reliable software. And we think that you should only pay once for that.

And because we like to keep costs down, we haven’t splashed out on a big marketing campaign or commissioned lots of fancy assets for our web page. This is it.

So, welcome to 2025. And we look forward to you giving KashPlan a go.